Wednesday, October 5, 2011

On one of those perfect days of fall, the 4th of Oct. 2011 I rode my bicycle from Pikes Peak State park in Iowa to Gutenberg Iowa.

Me ready to ride at Pikes Peak State Park Iowa

Pikes Peak is a state park overlooking the Mississippi River by McGregor Iowa. It is 700 ft. above the river and as you can tell from the photo this time of year it is a riot of Autumn color. Notice Cool colors, blue shirt, on a warm photo, the yellow in the trees. Old photographer trick.

This ride is importtent to me as I tried it last year and a steep hill gave me a lot of trouble. This year it was easy. Just a way to test myself.

Some day I want to do a whole state on the MRT (Mississippi River Trail) today was just a taste of the larger trail. Someday...

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